Final Examination

April 28, 2020

Dear AIU students!

We kindly remind that you must pay the tuition fee for the 2019-2020 Academic Year via transferring payment to the AIU bank account at the Optima bank till the 3rd of May. Othervise you will not be admitted to the Final examinations.
During the payment please specify the data with your name, surname and group.
Below please find bank details:
МУ «Ала-Тоо» мкр Тунгуч ул Анкара 1/8 инд 720048
ИНН 02702199710063 код 001 Октябрьский УГНС
ОКПО 21633376
р\с 1090805135480135 Филиал ОАО «Оптима Банк » в г. Бишкек№1
БИК филиала 109008